Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dad In-Between

"You treat me like a baby!" Dad emphatically said to Mom when she dropped him off at my house this morning.  She was reviewing instructions with me for getting him on the shuttle to his "job" (adult memory day care) this afternoon.  Usually she does that drop-off on Thursday's but an unexpected appointment with a mechanic to repair her car's radiator switched up her schedule (and mine!).

Dad's outburst  reminded me that he is living in-between too.  Between adulthood and babyhood.  Between who he used to be and who he is becoming.  His outsides look quite healthy for an 83 year old man.  Looking at this picture I took a couple days ago, you wouldn't even know he has Parkinson's, much less Alzheimers.   Mom takes great care of him.  However, on the insides his mind is betraying him. Most times his inner age seems around three or four years old.

Yet, even knowing his brain age is like a pre-schooler, his outburst was still surprising to me.  I forget that he still can have flashes of clarity like he did this morning.  He felt marginalized being talked about, instead of talked with. I get that.  The good news is that he can still FEEL.  That means he can feel the good stuff too.

He's taking a nap right now.  When he awakes I will look for ways for BOTH of us to experience joy in-between. Like we did on Monday . . . savoring the spring sunshine and the lilacs!

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